Let’s rename it ‘Super-meric’

Even as just a single ingredient, Turmeric Spice packs a major health punch.

Used for centuries throughout Asia, in recent decades it’s been embraced by us here in the West, not just in a ‘ruby murry’, but for its impressive list of health benefits. It is quite literally, hot stuff.

Among these health benefits, antibacterial, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects are key. Turmeric has been studied in relation to arthritis, eye conditions, cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease to name but a few.

And combining turmeric with black pepper has been shown to increase curcumin absorption by a massive 2000%, that’s why our ginger and turmeric shots come with a hefty does of black pepper too.

Power it up, get it down you and feel the benefits inside and out!


Totally Roar-Some!


Why I have a ginger shot every day